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William Wag Wagner business excellence award
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Improved Financials
Increase cash flow
Grow your profits
Save more money
Full financial analysis
Break-even analysis
Operating expense analysis
Payroll analysis
Staff Performance Analysis
Evaluate your team’s return on investment (ROI)
Customized sales training for your sales model
Compensation structure overhauls and deployment
Employee performance reviews & professional development
Productivity review training for managers
Set yearly, monthly, and daily sales associate goals
Healthier Inventory
Attain your optimum inventory level
Aged inventory strategies
Buy more strategically
Prepare comprehensive Open-To-Buys for shows and vendor meetings
Re-ordering fast sellers to grow sales
Vendor, category and price point analysis
Inventory assortment analysis
Uncover proven Top Sellers for your store
Memo best practices and management
Vendor partnerships and effective communication
Proper displaying to attract customers
Retirement & Store Transition Planning
Preparing for all retirement options
Mapping out your exit strategy
Tailored plans with timelines
Business valuations for estate planning or business sale
Instore business analysis (onsite store visit)
Ensure you & your business are ready for any eventuality
Time management
Coaching your team
Delegating effectively
Sales Growth
Create personal goals for store owners
Management and Leadership Development
Manager and Sales Manager Curriculum
Create and measure your customized sales plan and store goals
Analyze your Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
Converting repairs to sales
Plan & execute store events
Marketing plans
Social media targeting
Onsite Store VisitImproved Financials
Staff Performance and Training
Recruiting & Hiring
Competitive Shop
Leadership Development
Store Operations
Assortment (Inventory) Analysis
Aged Stock Strategies
New Purchasing
Display and Presentations
Marketing and Advertising
Recruiting & Hiring
Full-service recruiting, including sourcing and interviewing candidates
Hiring & onboarding
Employee handbooks and policy manuals
Caliper job-fit assessments
Organizational planning & flow charts
Job descriptions
Using The Edge Features
Ensure you use The Edge to its fullest
Set up automated reports
Analyze the inventory management reports
Navigate the CRM tools